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The Project Overview

Purpose and Need

The purpose of the proposed project is to provide a bridge across the Albion River that meets modern seismic safety standards, provides safe and reliable multimodal access, and minimizes ongoing maintenance costs. The proposed project’s objectives are as follows:

  • Eliminate the bridge’s structural and seismic deficiencies
  • Eliminate the truss main span’s fracture critical condition
  • Provide shoulder widths consistent with local coastal plan requirements
  • Provide improved road alignment and sight distance
  • Provide safe, multimodal bridge access
  • Minimize ongoing maintenance costs
  • Minimize traffic delays associated with bridge inspection, maintenance, and repairs
  • Improve resilience to sea level rise, storm surges, and tsunamis
  • Prevent further preservative treatment leaching from existing bridge timbers
  • Minimize construction-related impacts to the community and environment

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